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  • Writer's pictureNova Yeoman-Forrestall

What a Booming Job Market Means for Your Resume

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Today’s job market is booming. Demand for workers is high, but in many industries, there is an applicant shortage. With so many jobs available what does this mean for your resume?

During a time of high unemployment where demand for workers has decreased, most candidates welcome professional resume writing assistance to stand out above the competition. However, when employers are eagerly seeking to fill open job positions, candidates may not feel the added attention to their resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile is needed. This simply is not the case, and here’s why.

1. The job market may be booming, but the hiring process has remained relatively the same. This means that although employers are eager to fill job roles, they are still relying on the same processes to fill those roles, such as vetting and screening resumes through applicant tracking software (ATS) systems. If your resume is not keyword-optimized and fully targeted, you may not reach a set of human eyes who will review your qualifications and call you for an interview.

2. Employers may be eager, but not desperate. The hiring process is expensive and time-consuming. A forward-thinking recruiter understands that to fill a job with merely a warm body is a recipe for disaster. Ultimately, a poor hiring decision can cost companies thousands in lost revenue, training, and talent acquisition resources. Thus, a targeted resume that reveals how you can meet and exceed job expectations will provide that needed assurance that you are the right person to move through to the interview phase.

3. Your resume may be saying you are looking to settle for any old job. A resume that does not stand up and stand out as making a clear statement about your career objective makes you look apathetic and unconcerned about your next career move. That is a red flag to employers who could perceive that as being your attitude on the job and conclude that you are not committed or dedicated to the role and mission of their company.

Regardless of the job market, your resume is your mouthpiece. In order to give your resume a voice that speaks to the hiring manager in a way that says, “I am the best fit for the job!”, then it is in your best interest to get professional resume writing help. There are many options out there, but keep in mind that you are an individual, so make sure any resume writing service you choose will provide you with a one-to-one consultation, job matching research, and custom writing. SuperNova Resumes offers that type of service. Get Started today!


Nova Yeoman-Forrestall - Writer, Consultant & Mentor specializing in Career Development and Job Search Readiness. HRM Certified professional who has helped 100s advance toward the achievement of their goals while working for a division of Manpower Group,, and as the CEO & Owner of SuperNova Resumes.

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