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  • Writer's pictureNova Yeoman-Forrestall

What is the Real Purpose of a Resume?

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

Before we can understand the true purpose of a resume, we need to define it. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a resume is defined as “a short account of one’s career and qualifications.” It can also be defined simply as “a summary.” There is often a misconception that a resume should be long and detailed, yet it is most effective when it is concise and targeted.

The main purpose of a resume is to serve as a marketing tool used during a job search, spotlighting an applicant’s specific and relevant skills, work history, education, and accomplishments. There are 3 things a resume should do:

1. A resume should speak quickly and loudly. A hiring manager takes 6 seconds or less to read a resume. Your resume needs to capture an employer’s attention and deliver the right message within that short period of time. That means that your resume should showcase accomplishments and provide quantifiable data that reveals a pattern of meaningful contributions.

2. A resume should be a “snapshot” of qualifications. A snapshot is a picture that captures a specific moment in time and speaks a thousand words. A resume should capture the best qualities of a candidate, efficiently and concisely speaking volumes about abilities, aptitude, and merits.

3. A resume should entice an employer to want to learn more about you. Although a resume is designed to be brief, if it is well-written it should serve as a call-to-action to hiring managers. The information should resonate with the reader, causing him or her to instantly make the connection that your skillset and expertise are of value and match the role they are trying to fill.

A resume should not be a long lengthy document with a work history of over 10 years unless the noted position is relevant to the target and other jobs cannot be used to validate the experience. It should not be a list of responsibilities but rather a short descriptive narrative that creates interest, reveals abilities, and moves the hiring manager to want to learn more.

Understanding exactly what a resume is designed to do can help you to improve its content. However, it is not always easy to craft a document that can accomplish so much. That is why investing in professional resume writing services is an investment worth making. Since a resume must speak for you before you have a chance to speak for yourself, wouldn’t it be better to consult an expert?

SuperNova Resumes provides affordable cover letter, resume, and Linkedin profile writing services with affordable prices, fast turnaround times, and high satisfaction rates. Get started by having a consultation and/or resume review.


Nova Yeoman-Forrestall - Writer, Consultant & Mentor specializing in Career Development and Job Search Readiness. HRM Certified professional who has helped 100s advance toward the achievement of their goals while working for a division of Manpower Group,, and as the CEO & Owner of SuperNova Resumes.

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