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  • Writer's pictureNova Yeoman-Forrestall

Why You Need an Updated Resume – Even If You Have a Job

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Today’s job market is rich with open opportunities, and there are many who are already gainfully employed, so many may be experiencing a lack of urgency in updating their resume. If you have recently been hired on with a new company, been employed for quite some time, or think that your current resume is sufficient to win you the next role, read on.

There are 5 reasons why you need to update your resume – even if you are already working.

1. To record your current accomplishments and achievements. When working, life can get quite busy, and your main focus is carrying out your job. As a result, it can be easy to forget to record information that can come in quite handy when updating your resume. A seasoned resume writer would recommend that you keep a running list of your accomplishments, such as kudos, commendation, performance reviews that include positive management comments, and data that reveals the degree of your contribution. Working with a resume writing consultant who conducts a one-to-one consultation and who will derive objective information from you during an investigative interview can help jog your memory and note the more important achievements to be included on your next resume draft.

2. To apply for a promotion or an internal job posting. A job opportunity within your company can come up without much notice, and the application period can be quite short. Those who have an updated and targeted resume that highlights professional achievements will be able to quickly apply, edging out the competition—including you. It can take time to fully update your resume, why wait? Get professional resume writing help now, so that you can be ready to take your career to the next level when the opportunity comes your way.

3. Recruiters and headhunters may be contacting you. Perhaps you are happy in your current role, but one day you get a call from a recruiter, interested in making you an offer that you might not be able to refuse. Recruiters have clients they need to impress. Will your resume be ready to make a first impression that could move you through to the next leg of the interviewing process? Being prepared is always better than trying to play catch up—especially at a crucial crossroads in your career.

4. Keeping your resume up-to-date allows you to keep your eyes on the job boards. You may have just landed your next new role, or you may have been with your current company for many years, but with the influx of new opportunities, it only makes sense to have your finger on the pulse of the job market. Keep your resume ready just in case the next best-fit role pops up. Those who apply for a new job within 2-3 days of posting increase their chances of being considered by upwards of 40%.

5. Your network yields an opportunity with a tight deadline. Those in your network are familiar with your skillset, education, and experience, and hear of an opportunity that not only matches your qualifications but screams that you are a perfect match! The issue is that there is a tight application deadline, and your resume is covered in dust. How will you take advantage of this great opportunity that has fallen into your lap? Avoid missing out by having a powerful resume prepared in advance that highlights your best career features. Life is unpredictable—get ready now!

For professional resume writing help that can get you prepared for the next career opportunity, contact SuperNova Resumes. You can book a one-to-one consultation with a resume writing consultant that has experience in research, interviewing, and crafting keyword-optimized content that ranks high in recruiter searches.


Nova Yeoman-Forrestall - Writer, Consultant & Mentor specializing in Career Development and Job Search Readiness. HRM Certified professional who has helped 100s advance toward the achievement of their goals while working for a division of Manpower Group,, and as the CEO & Owner of SuperNova Resumes.


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